Buyer’s Guide

1. How to Login and Register with Furniture Store.?

Ans:- Just click login and register button and fill the information, you will registered or login.

2. How to find product.?

Ans: Just click on category wise product button, or type product name in search box.

3. Login requires for cart or checkout.?

Ans:- Yes, login requires for checkout and whishlist.

4. Can we add any comment and review?

 Ans:- Yes you can add comment for blog and review for particular product.

5.  Is their any Return Poliocy?

Ans: Yes, click on return policy and read the description of return policy.

6.  How much time to get delivery?

Ans:- Your Product delivery will 3 to 4 working days.

7.  Cash on Delivery available?

Ans:- Yes Cash on Delivery Available.

8.  Can user cancel order?

Ans:- Yes, Customer can cancel their order within 5 Hours.

9.  Can user change product or add more product?

Ans:- Yes User can change product within 2 hrs and add product.

10.  Guarantee and Warranty?

Ans:- Product guarantee and warranty card includes with product. And user can directly contact with company customer for guarantee and warranty